Hello World!

By Frederic Filosa
10 years ago (Thu, Oct 16, 2014 9:41 AM)

Hi! My name is Frederic Filosa. I'm an independent (freelance) software engineer living in Tokyo, Japan. I'm passionate about technology and programming. As the first post of this blog, I'd like to present a non exhaustive list of what you'll find here.

Code optimizations

Most programming languages have many ways to accomplish what we want. Many functions to use, many language structures... sometimes, one solution is better than another one.

I like to make experiments, compare two or many options to find the best one and present it here.

Book reviews

I like to read and learn about technology and business. There are excellent books I'd like to talk about here. I'll try to make a collection of must read books, and also warn about books that are, in my opinion, not worth it.

Website analysis

I like to analyse websites, looking at what works and what doesn't. The Internet is now rich of dynamic websites with gorgeous design and well crafted user experience.

On the other hand, there are still a lot of websites using poor font and color combinations, text in graphics (sometimes it's necessary), bad or no usage of white space, etc.

This will be strongly based on my personal taste in user experience and graphic design, but I hope that everybody, including me, can learn from those website reviews.

By the way, I'm not saying that my website is perfect. If you have thoughts or suggestions about it, please let me know.

Life in Japan

Finally, since I've lived in Japan for ~10 years, I'll try to present my point of view about the life in Japan as a foreigner. Japan has a very different culture compared to European/American countries and maybe I'll make you discover some things that are not often covered in what you can read about Japan.

About comments

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